Rosie represents the CIC at the Liverpool Safeguarding Adults Governance Group. The primary purpose of the group is to ensure that we have appropriate intelligence and robust systems in place to drive forward Liverpool’s priorities to prevent and protect adults with needs for care and support from abuse and neglect.
The key responsibilities of the governance group are to share safeguarding and quality assurance intelligence, monitor and measure safeguarding performance, themes and trends against neighbouring authorities and core cities and develop and explore models of good practice to prevent abuse and neglect. The group are also keen to identify opportunities for joint working and the pooling of resources with internal and external partners. The group currently meets bi monthly and Martin Farran, Director of Adult Services Liverpool City Council is Chair.
Please read Liverpool Safeguarding Board Report 2018/19 Baselines April 2019
If you have any questions regarding the latest report please email
Written by Rosie Jolly